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@ 15 Ramadan 1446H / 11:16 PM


Photograper of Year 2007

1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Georgina Cranston
Country: UK
Title: unclean water Sudan

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: Delly Carr
Country: Australia
Title: Table Tennis Eye

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Carol Walker
Country: USA
Title: Giraffe's First Kiss


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Lynton Crabb
Country: Australia
Title: Birdcages

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: rob carter
Country: UK
Title: Tulip Feilds Holland, 2007

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: k Daspit
Country: USA
Title: Arabesque


Honorable Mention
Name: Michael Kai
Country: Australia
Title: Pool

Honorable Mention
Country: Slovenia
Title: Nipple

Honorable Mention
Name: Sandor Csortos Szabo
Country: Hungary
Title: Dallas

Honorable Mention
Name: ricardo junqueira
Country: Brazil
Title: atrium47


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Kristina Buceatchi
Country: Moldova
Title: Another vision

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: Marcel Schaar
Country: Germany
Title: god

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Fulvio Bonavia
Country: Italy
Title: BMW fashion store

Honorable Mention
Name: Rafael Costa
Country: Brazil
Title: Greenpeace

Honorable Mention
Name: Curtis Myers
Country: USA
Title: Flood Boy

Honorable Mention
Name: Andrei Jewell
Country: New Zealand
Title: Castrol - Dusty Road


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Daniel Clements
Country: UK
Title: memorial blocks berlin

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: roberto wolfenson
Country: Brazil
Title: brasilia tribunal supreme

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Jason Boa
Country: New Zealand
Title: New Brighton Pier


Name: Mat Blamires
Country: New Zealand
Title: Structure

Honorable Mention
Name: roberto wolfenson
Country: Brazil
Title: brasilia ministery

Honorable Mention
Name: Malie Rich-Griffith
Country: USA
Title: Golden Reflections in the Floor
at Schwedagon Paya, Yangon, Myanmar

Honorable Mention
Name: Baldomero Fernandez
Country: USA
Title: Street in the Rain, Santiago de Cuba


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Country: France
Title: Suburban Girl

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: Amy Postle
Country: USA
Title: Fortuna

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: antonio barrella
Country: Italy
Title: le fleur noir


Honorable Mention
Name: Timo Reisiger
Country: Netherlands
Title: rits

Honorable Mention
Name: David Short
Country: UK
Title: Harriet

Honorable Mention
Name: lise metzger
Country: USA
Title: jessie in blue room

Honorable Mention
Name: Luke Duval
Country: USA
Title: Escada


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Tariq Dajani
Country: Sweden
Title: Arabian Horse

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: William Knipscher
Country: USA
Title: Ampride, Stafford, KS

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: emmanuel faure
Country: USA
Title: no. 29


Honorable Mention
Name: Cheryl maeder
Country: USA
Title: Dreamscapes: Beach Series X

Honorable Mention
Name: heimo schmidt
Country: USA
Title: Diver

Honorable Mention
Name: det kempke
Country: Germany
Title: life on tv

Honorable Mention
Name: David Zadig
Country: Norway
Title: Into Light


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Carol Walker
Country: USA
Title: Giraffe's First Kiss

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: george logan
Country: UK
Title: eagle

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Joe Zammit-Lucia
Country: USA
Title: Defiance


Honorable Mention
Name: george logan
Country: UK
Title: cobra

Honorable Mention
Name: Kaye Davis
Country: New Zealand
Title: Trees on Hill

Honorable Mention
Name: Alex Telfer
Country: UK
Title: Islay 1

Honorable Mention
Name: Dimas Ardian
Country: Indonesia
Title: Best Buddy


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Phil Marco
Country: USA
Title: Torso

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: Saelon Renkes
Country: USA
Title: Jordan Swimming

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Country: USA
Title: Liquid Light Study #1123


Honorable Mention
Name: Jeffrey Silverthorne
Country: USA
Title: Staircase #2

Honorable Mention
Country: USA
Title: The Birth of Venus, after Cabanel

Honorable Mention
Name: Yuri Afanasiev
Country: Russia
Title: Gold fish


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Reimar Juul
Country: Denmark
Title: David Lynch. American Director

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: David Trood
Country: Denmark
Title: bill

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Reimar Juul
Country: Denmark
Title: Michael Sheridan. American Architect


Honorable Mention
Name: Pal Hansen
Country: UK
Title: Dax & Susie - Teenage Parents

Honorable Mention
Name: Willeke Duijvekam
Country: Netherlands
Title: Monastery

Honorable Mention
Name: Sergio Pessolano
Country: Italy
Title: The Flute Player


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Georgina Cranston
Country: UK
Title: unclean water Sudan

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: Heather McClintock
Country: USA
Title: Alema Rose, Aler IDP Camp,
Uganda, 2006

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Yoav Galai
Country: Israel
Title: Lebanon4


Honorable Mention
Name: Heather McClintock
Country: USA
Title: St. Jude Children’s Home,
Gulu, Uganda, 2006

Honorable Mention
Name: Erin Trieb
Country: USA
Title: Clothes For A Pillow

Honorable Mention
Name: Hes Mundt
Country: Netherlands
Title: An undernourished girl in the hospital at IFO refugee camp in Dadaab Kenya.

Honorable Mention
Name: carlos spottorno
Country: Spain
Title: desert sherpas (3)


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Delly Carr
Country: Australia
Title: Table Tennis Eye

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: adam hinton
Country: UK
Title: fevela01

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: kerry wilson
Country: Australia
Title: foursome


Honorable Mention
Name: Capucine Bailly
Country: France
Title: Skater's Shadow

Honorable Mention
Name: Wilhelm Scholz
Country: USA
Title: Football Player on Desert Pitch

Honorable Mention
Name: Giampiero Sposito
Country: Italy
Title: Biathlon

Honorable Mention
Name: David Short
Country: UK
Title: Ross


1st Place - Outstanding Achievement
Name: Jonathan Minster
Country: UK
Title: Jesus

2nd Place - Merit of Excellence
Name: John Manno
Country: USA
Title: Goldfish Bowls

3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
Name: Philip Gatward
Country: UK
Title: dahlia eleven


Honorable Mention
Name: Ng Yuen Kwan Anita
Country: Hong Kong
Title: A Chinese Beauty

Honorable Mention
Name: Andrew Zuckerman
Country: USA
Title: processor2

Honorable Mention
Name: Phil Marco
Country: USA
Title: Roach

Honorable Mention
Name: Soren Hald
Country: Denmark
Title: AbsentPeople#2

Honorable Mention
Name: laurie frankel
Country: USA
Title: batting

Author : Color Awards 2007
source : http://www.thecolorawards.com
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