Road travel Stelvio
Height - 2757 meters
The site - in the Italian Alpes, is close to the Swiss border. (the road connects Valtellina to the top valley of Adige and Merano)
In the Alpes there are other fascinating roads. For example travel Grimsel about Switzerland.
The Italian Alpes abound with such dangerous roads. Here an example from Lombardy
Slovene Mountain Roads are narrower and are in the worst condition, but it only strengthens sensations.
Charming Roads of the Fjord to Norway.
Living in small cities and villages in the country of a fjord, people are compelled to use the car what to be bought in nearby shops. It forces to go people on such inconceivable roads.
Trollstigen - the Ladder of the Troll
The legend says - trolls did not have cars, thus they have constructed a ladder to rise on this mountain... Hordes of tourists, despite of a 9 percent inclination of road would go what to see here a beautiful falls and surprising representation from top.
Other Jewel of the Fjord - Road Lysebotn
Thus it only it is meaningful to proceed further - and excursion to the most fascinating part of a rock in the Universe - Prekestolen, or the Rock of Faculty of the preacher.
Height about 1000 meters
Rabu, Ogos 08, 2007
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