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The Cranberries - Something Else (2017)

Artist: The Cranberries
Album: Something Else
Genre: Rock / Alternative Rock / Acoustic
Year: 2017
Quality: mp3, 320 kbps
The Cranberries have an utterly distinctive sound, not least due to the instantly recognisable vocal of Dolores, which on this album is brought to the forefront due to its unplugged nature. As such, Something Else offers a fantastic opportunity for a reintroduction to the band, with some of their most familiar tracks being present on this selection of songs.
01. The Cranberries - Linger (Acoustic Version) [00:04:55]
02. The Cranberries - The Glory (Acoustic Version) [00:05:14]
03. The Cranberries - Dreams (Acoustic Version) [00:04:24]
04. The Cranberries - When You're Gone (Acoustic Version) [00:04:10]
05. The Cranberries - Zombie (Acoustic Version) [00:04:01]
06. The Cranberries - Ridiculous Thoughts (Acoustic Version) [00:03:07]
07. The Cranberries - Rupture (Acoustic Version) [00:04:16]
08. The Cranberries - Ode to My Family (Acoustic Version) [00:04:43]
09. The Cranberries - Free to Decide (Acoustic Version) [00:03:17]
10. The Cranberries - Just My Imagination (Acoustic Version) [00:04:02]
11. The Cranberries - Animal Instinct (Acoustic Version) [00:03:39]
12. The Cranberries - You & Me (Acoustic Version) [00:03:33]
13. The Cranberries - Why (Acoustic Version) [00:05:01]
DOWNLOAD >> http://lynk.my/WuFK 
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