
Aston Martin city car confirmed :: 15 g@F

Aston Martin has finally confirmed it will put the controversial Cygnet city car into production. The car, based on the Toyota iQ, will hit Aston Martin dealerships some time in 2011.

However, it seems that interested buyers may have to be existing Aston Martin customers to qualify - at least to start with. In a press release confirming the car's production, the company said:

"Our customers need a small car for urban and city use, and they want the right tools for the right job, to downsize creatively without compromising intelligence, artistry and personality."

It's thought, however, that Aston will not limit production, and will release the Cygnet for general sale at some stage. An expensive luxury city car it will be too, with an estimated price of between £30- and £40,000.

It will have no more power than the existing iQ, but will get a major interior and exterior overhaul. The Aston Martin grille, grafted onto the front of the Japanese city car, is the source of some controversy among Aston Martin purists.

Inside, stitched leather is wrapped around every possible surface, though the general architecture remains unchanged. The British carmaker believes that buyers will be able to overlook the Cygnet's humble beginnings because of this complete bespoke overhaul.

"With an almost unlimited palette of materials, colours and textures, each hand-finished Cygnet will be truly unique, a personalised space within the city," says the company, with Aston design boss Marek Reichman adding that "luxury is not constrained by scale."

Harjan Milosevic , Khamis, Disember 23, 2010 | 0 komentar :: Best Blogger Tips
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