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Olympics build-up photos


Paula Radcliffe runs on a golf course in Macau
Paula Radcliffe eases fears over her fitness by joining the GB training camp in Macau and heading out for an early morning run

Rafael Nadal arrives at Beijing airport
Soon-to-be world tennis number one Rafael Nadal slips unnoticed into Beijing's international airport

Roger Federer
Nadal's rival Roger Federer is already hard at work practising at the Olympic Green Tennis Centre

Aaron Peirsol
American swimmer Aaron Peirsol throws some strange shapes as he goes through his paces at the Water Cube

Dirk Nowitzki
Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki shows off a new 'do' as he prepares to carry the German flag at the opening ceremony

Amanda Beard
American swimmer Amanda Beard unveils her revealing poster campaign for animal rights group Peta

Cheerleaders practise at Beijing's Chaoyong Park
Beijing's Chaoyong Park is treated to a practice session by the cheerleaders for the beach volleyball event

A typhoon hits the equestrian venue in Hong Kong
Meanwhile in Hong Kong, a typhoon plays havoc with preparations for the equestrian competition

Members of the US Olympic delegation arrive at Beijing Airport
Members of the USA team are taking no chances with the Beijing smog as they arrive at the airport

An activist unfurls a 'Free Tibet' banner near the Birds Nest Stadium
Despite the smog, a dare-devil activist mounts an electricity pole to unfurl a 'Free Tibet' banner near the Birds Nest Stadium. (BBC)
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