2+4 hrs...Twogether Fourever


Day in Pictures


An Afghan policeman stands near pile of burning drugs, June 25 2008
Police burn a pile of drugs in Kabul,Afghanistan, which is the world's top producer of opium.

Orthodox Jews watch acrobats practise for the inauguration of a light rail bridge in Jerusalem, 25 June 2008
Orthodox Jews watch as acrobats prepare for the inauguration of a new bridge in Jerusalem, which will eventually carry a light rail line.

Miss Universe contestants take part in a beach party in Hoi An, Vietnam, 25 June 2008
Miss Universe contestants enjoy a beach party in Vietnam ahead of the 57th Miss Universe contest, taking place there next month.

Collapsed building in China, June 25 2008.Waves bash Hong Kong harbour, June 25 2008.
Waves lash the waterfront overlooking Victoria Harbour as Typhoon Fengshen hits Hong Kong.

A Turkish football fan cheers in Basel, Switzerland, ahead of the Turkey v Germany semi-final, 25 June 2008
A Turkish football fan cheers on his side in Basel, Switzerland, ahead of the semi-final clash between Turkey and Germany.

Hindu devotees in India, June 25 2008.
Hindu devotees take a holy dip, as a floral offering is seen drifting on the River Ganges in Allahabad, India.

Giraffe in Singapore zoo, June 25 2008.
A giraffe receives a carrot from a zoo keeper in Singapore.
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