2+4 hrs...Twogether Fourever


The company Of virgin galactic, which belongs to English multi-millionaire and businessman to Richard Branson, represented the final model of the new commercial particular spacecraft Of spaceShipTwo (SS2). This flight vehicle is the successor Of spaceShipOne (SS1), represented in 2005.

Richard Branson aircraft designer Burt Rutan at the presentation Of spaceShipTwo in New York. (Photo: AP)

Richard Branson and Bertha with its creation. (Photo: AFP)

It was declared at the presentation, that already in 2009 takes place the first orbital flight Of spaceShipTwo with the passengers aboard, whereas the test flight of new ship takes place still earlier - in the second half of 2008.

The flight Of spaceShipTwo by the cost of 200 thousand dollars will last two hours. Maximum flight altitude SS2 will be 135-140 km, which will make it possible to increase the time of weightlessness to 6 minutes (in the previous model Of spaceShipOne 2 times less).

Previous model of the spacecraft Of spaceShip Of one.

For space flight eight people can leave simultaneously (2 pilots even 6 passengers). Even with this high price, demand for the space tourism exceeds proposal. Today all places to the first 20 flights of particular spacecraft have already long ago been bought up. Virgin galactic accepted payment in the size of 200,000 dollars from more than 200 well-off passengers, who wished to the pair of minutes to prove to be in weightlessness. Representatives Virgin galactic noted that among these 200 tourists there are 7 citizens of Russia.

Are known that the first commercial flight they will complete Richard Branson with their children and aircraft designer Bertha, that established space- tourist enterprise. (based on materials cybersecurity.ru. )

Richard Branson and Burt Rutan at SpaceShipTwo presentation in New York.

Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo (Photo: AP, Scanpix)

It is planned to create five units Of spaceShipTwo and two aircraft Of white knight two, from which the apparatuses will be started. Name for the first of the ships is already devised - it will be called VSS Of enterpise (Virgin Of space ship enterprise - in the honor of the ship USS enterpise from the series Of star track).

Design of the cab of the spacecraft Of spaceShipTwo.

Building of the particular automatic spacecraft Of spaceShipTwo.

Galactic girl - talisman of the spacecraft spaceShipTwo and the advertizing character of the company Of virgin galactic.

SpaceShipTwo by Virgin Galactic. (Photo: Virgin Galactic)

Artikel berkaitan : Branson lancar SpaceshipTwo pelancongan ke angkasa lepas
try , Isnin, Januari 28, 2008 | 0 komentar :: Best Blogger Tips
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