2+4 hrs...Twogether Fourever


6 most abrupt offices in the world

The technology center McLaren — England
Huge building with a separate track for test of machines of the formula-1

Kind on lake

Glass corridor inside of a building

Lorries delivering racing bolidy on a place of races

Work above machines

Googleplex — California, USA
Free-of-charge meal, pool and spa, the health services is direct at office. Employees gugla spend 20 % for the foreign projects. 1300 resumes every day come to this office of the order!

In a break it is possible to bring the ideas on a board for records

Game hall

Interested persons can swim for a while in pool

Or to play in volleyball

Canary Wharf - London, England
Includes three highest buildings in London. In buildings work the order 100000 person, they are completely independent and supplied by all necessary complexes for work of employees

Red Bull — London, England
Sliding doors from the future and desktop tenis will force you to forget about that where you are to be in prestigious area soho.

Williams Group
This project of non-commercial consulting group vyjgral in 2007 the honourable award in the field of design of interiors. The space is designed so that it was convenient to people to work in commande.

VW Phaeton Plant - Dresden, Germany
Who has told that factories should be dirty and noisy? This factory just fine.

Kind on factory outside

Assembly line

: Jika anda mempunyai sebarang cadangan atau pandangan mengenai Artikel / 'Poasting' di atas, Kami mengalu-alukan komen anda kepada kami. [ sebarang aduan, cadangan, pendapat, rencana atau sebagainya ]
try , Isnin, November 05, 2007 | 0 komentar :: Best Blogger Tips
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