This new ship, perhaps, the biggest in the world a monument of love. And let on the second plan absolutely improbable tons and meters will depart. Huge, capable to bewitch the kind even the people far from technics, the magnate-shipowner who has constructed it has named in honour of the wife who has died in the past to year.
Since autumn of this year on oceans of a planet the biggest operating ship in the world majesticly strides. Constructed in the end of this summer huge it is equipped as well by the greatest in the world an internal combustion engine. And the capacity of this vessel estimated under the standard scheme, makes 13,5-14,5 thousand TEU (these units are equivalent to 20-foot containers).
Owner A.P. Moller-Maersk Group, 93-years Arnold Mersk Makkini Meller (Arnold M? rsk Mc-Kinney Moller), has immortalized in the supership the wife Emma who has died in December 2005. With Emma Arnold has lived in love and the consent of 65 years.
Now Emma — the beautiful gray-blue ship, which parameters are really surprising. Its length — 397 meters, width — 56 meters, a deposit — 15,5 meters. Gross tonnage — 171 thousand tons (gross).
However, for the people not too understanding shipbuilding, it is better to present nominal capacity in containers. As we have already told, counted up on a standard technique, it makes 14,5 thousand TEU, however A.P. Moller-Maersk Group considers not containers which can be loaded on a vessel, and containers which it is possible to load full (14 tons everyone) — such it totals 11 thousand.
Selasa, Mei 29, 2007
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